

National Social & Emotional Learning Conference

The first-of-its-kind conference in Nigeria is an annual conference of educators, education lecturers, psychologists, government officials, school owners, expert teachers, and parents who gather to provide insights and perspectives on social and emotional learning towards spreading and amplifying the conversation of social and emotional learning in Nigeria.


Partnership with Faculties of Education

Our partnerships with faculties of education in tertiary institutions in Nigeria is an effort to entrench social and emotional learning in the curriculum of teacher education. Periodic trainings for undergraduate students of education, seminars and webinars are organized for students and staff, in partnership with the institutions.


Curriculum on SEL & Soft Skills for State Governments

Working with expert and seasoned subject teachers, we develop easily adaptable curricula on social and emotional learning for state governments that can be adopted and adapted by teachers and school owners in classrooms and within the school environment.


SEL Certification for Teachers

Our 6-9 weeks certification course on social and emotional learning for primary, junior and secondary school teachers is a comprehensive, rigorous and extensive training that offers the most up-to date concepts, insights and strategies in the field of social and emotional learning.


Soft Skills Clubs in Universities

We establish soft skills clubs at major universities in Nigeria, where students from various departments and faculties undergo a soft skills curriculum tailored to prepare them for work and life after school.


Soft Skills Clubs in Secondary Schools

We train secondary school students on fundamental soft skills useful for helping them navigate the rigours of life, whether they choose to further their education, begin to work or start a business.


Advocacy on Traditional and Social Media

Our @markwillowsfdn social media platforms on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, as well as our partnerships with other forms of traditional media such as radio, newspaper are strategic platforms used for creating awareness, driving engagement and promoting our message on social and emotional learning and soft skills.